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Increase productivity by speech-enabling your firm


Optimize your dictation workflow

All Industries

Audio recording and workflow routing solutions
  • Legal

    Winscribe has been working with law firms since 1995; designing innovative speech technology solutions to help improve productivity, reduce cost, and increase their competitiveness.


    Winscribe’s speech productivity solutions enable lawyers and other legal professionals to organize their time more efficiently and to work in more flexible and productive ways.  Winscribe offers mobile, web-based, and server-based digital dictation, speech recognition, and legal documentation workflow management solutions that help lawyers produce documentation faster and more accurately while protecting the security of sensitive client information.


    Our Speech Technology solutions are designed to make the most out of your voice. Winscribe supports speech-enabled document creation, by either using digital dictation or advanced voice-to-text technology. Intelligent workflow options are employed to automate and streamline processes, improve staff productivity, and increase the overall efficiency of your firm.

  • Medical

    Heavy documentation demands and inefficient workflows can impact business outcomes, from inconsistent and inaccurate reports, a risk to compliance, to employee productivity and costs. Solve your documentation challenges and transform manual and disconnected processes into a streamlined and automated workflow with Nuance Winscribe Dictation.

    Winscribe’s speech productivity and medical documentation solutions enable GPs to use their voices to quickly and thoroughly document patient encounters and other reports at the point of care. Winscribe offers mobile, web-based, and server-based digital dictation, speech recognition, and medical documentation workflow management solutions that help clinicians produce documentation faster and more accurately while protecting the security of sensitive patient information.

  • All Industries

    Winscribe dictation for Meeting Recording, Hansard Recording, Court Recording, transcription, and workflow routing solution empowering thousands of organizations globally to take better control of their document management, dictation, and transcription needs.

    • Organizational competence
      Efficiency and speed in the delivery of minutes and transcripts are vital to the performance and functionality of any organization. Winscribe's Digital Recording technology greatly increases the rate at which minutes are produced. Research shows that its sophisticated workflow management results in improved productivity and enhanced accuracy and efficiency.

    • Automatic archiving and encryption
      All recordings are automatically managed, secured, routed, and archived without the need for any manual intervention. Tracking recordings takes no more than a few seconds. Winscribe also incorporates enhanced encryption technology offering you the assurance that all recordings are protected and confidential. No recordings can be accessed without the necessary access privileges.

    • Integration into existing systems
      Winscribe can be integrated into almost any new or existing audiovisual system, allowing you to record the audio component of any discussion, presentation, telephone conference, or video-conference with simplicity and ease.

    • Single package solution
      Users are particularly pleased with the comprehensive package solution offered by Winscribe. Features include intuitive user interfaces, automatic archiving, and retrieval of detailed documentation, security, and online help. All of this eliminates the need for expensive add-ons later.

    • Hansard & Courtroom Recording
      Winscribe's Hansard and courtroom recording systems facilitate the quick and accurate recording and transcription of parliamentary and courtroom sessions. The central server ensures that all audio content is recorded securely. Recordings can be segmented allowing the transcripts to be transcribed while in session. That way, participants get to leave the sessions with a transcript in hand. With all the benefits of Winscribe's digital recording solution, Hansard and Courtroom recording are invaluable solutions for government and legal institutions.